The Darkroom.

The Darkroom.
(A slutty MMF adventure. All characters are 18+.)

The bell rang signaling that class was over. During spring semester of my senior year I had English first period and then two independent study blocks meaning that I didn’t have another class until geometry after lunch. We were meant to spend that time in the library studying but my girlfriend Joanna and I figured out that there were no photography classes that semester so the darkroom in the art classroom was unoccupied for the entire day. Back at the beginning of term we’d started meeting up there to fuck once a day in the little room on the third floor where we could be alone behind a door we could lock. The relationship was still pretty new and it was a real thrill having our own private secret place where we could have sex almost everyday at school. Joanna was as horny and sexually adventurous as I was and the two of us were having a great time together since we started dating over winter semester. Both of us were usually game for whatever the other wanted to try and the last few months had been an exceptionally horny time as we worked our way through our ever growing list of sexual fantasies. Months earlier I’d mentioned how sexy she’d look in a thong and she’d agreed to start wearing them if I’d wear them too. I was excited to comply and that weekend we’d visited the mall and gone to Victoria’s Secret where I helped pick out a few for her and then we went to Frederick’s of Hollywood where she picked out a few men’s thongs for me to wear for her. It was such a thrill! Sometimes we’d talk on the phone the night before and pick out the underwear we wanted the other to wear the next day for our darkroom rendezvous. Yesterday as I ate her out I’d mentioned how sexy it’d be if she shaved her pussy bare, she flashed a naughty smile and said she’d love to as long as I shaved my cock. After school I’d rushed home, jumped in the shower and shaved bare for her, I’d never been particularly hairy but feeling my hard cock shaved completely smooth was such a turn on and I couldn’t wait to show Joanna the next day. As requested, I had worn my sky blue lycra thong under my baggy jeans that day and as I zipped up my backpack my smooth cock throbbed semi hard in the pouch of my tiny underwear as I pictured her beautiful shaved pussy. I headed out of the classroom and hurried up to the third floor art room.

I walked through the empty art classroom and opened the outer door of the darkroom before opening the inner door and closing it behind me. Joanna sat cross legged on the counter, writing in a notebook and she looked up and smiled as I walked in. “Hi!” She giggled as she hopped down wrapping her arms around me and planting a kiss on my lips. “How was English?”

“Fine,” I said, dropping my backpack on the counter, “Still doing Merchant of Venice, soo boring.”

She stepped back and I had a long look at her. She was wearing a grey pleated skirt and white knee socks with her Vans sneakers. She wore my baggy black Spitfire skateboard zip up hoody over a white spaghetti strap tank top and her shaggy brown hair was up in a ponytail. Her body was lean and skinny like mine and we were a similar height and as she pressed against me I could feel her pert b cup breasts. As my hands caressed her back I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra and she knew this drove me wild.

“That sucks,” she said. Algebra wasn’t much better.”

We stood facing each other excitedly, not knowing what to say next. Then she broke our silence with a naughty smile.

“So did you do it?”

I laughed, feeling myself blush. “Maybe… did you?

Joanna bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Yes. And I really like it.”

“Me too.” I said as my heart raced.

She stepped forward and caressed the front of my pants with her hand as she kissed me again and my cock throbbed fully erect in my thong.

She looked up at me with a devilish smile, “I want to see.”

In a series of swift movements she’d undone my belt and my baggy jeans slid to the floor, exposing my thick smooth bulge, my breathing was heavy as she pulsed her soft hand over the shape of my hard cock.

“Mmmm… I’ve been thinking about this since yesterday!” She said as she sunk to her knees and planted a kiss on the bulge in my thong.

“So have I!” I whispered as she pulled my underwear to the side, revealing my long smooth cock, standing at full attention.

She stared at my throbbing hairless erection for a moment before looking up at me, “Oh fuck that’s hot!” She said before leaning in and dragging her wet warm tongue along my smooth shaft and closing her lips over my cock head. I moaned loudly and cradled her head as she started pumping her lips up and down, her hands exploring my smooth thighs and torso as she lovingly sucked me.

Joanna gave amazing head. I’d only had one blow job before she and I’d started dating and I was over joyed to find that she loved to suck cock. The way she’d take her time and really go to town was proof that the loved to do it. She could make me cum in seconds but she loved to draw it out, savoring every inch as she massaged my cock with her hot eager mouth.

“Mmmm,” she purred, “It’s sooo smooth!” Before taking me deep and stroking me with her tongue. I leaned back against the other counter, my back against one of the photo enlargers as she pumped her lips up and down my thick hairless shaft. It felt incredible, the sensation of being shaved only heightened the intensity of the blowjob, causing my heart to pound as she cradled my heavy smooth balls. I could have gone on like that for the rest of the afternoon but then I remembered how badly I wanted to taste her smooth pussy.

“Wait wait…” I gasped as my cock slid out of her lips and I held her chin as she looked up at me, “I want to taste you…”

She grinned and got to her feet, kissing me deeply, the taste of my cock on her lips. “Mmmm, I think you’re gonna like this…” Joanna sat back on the single chair in the room and parted her thighs as I tucked my hard cock back into my thong and kneeled in front of her. I slid my hands up her legs, over her cotton knee socks to her smooth bare thighs, lifting her skirt and exposing her tight pastel pink thong panties. “I wore the ones you asked for…” she giggled, looking down at me, “what do you think?” Her panties were so tight to her body, exposing the shape of her sweet little pussy. I leaned in and kissed her through her thong, sliding my tongue along the outline of her slit. She moaned softly sliding her fingers through my hair as I pulled her panties to the side revealing her perfect bald pussy. I knelt in awe for a moment, staring at her beautiful smooth lips. Joanna had an incredible pussy, soft and pink and it tasted so sweet. Seeing it completely hairless was a thing to behold, picture perfect and ripe for my mouth and cock. She unzipped the sweatshirt and slid it off as I closed my lips over her perfect shaved snatch and suckled softly, my mouth filled with the taste of her wetness as I began to lick.

Joanna moaned again, louder now as I ate her. Her lips parted and breathing heavily as licked and massaged her stiff little clit with my tongue. The feeling of her bald pussy against my smooth face drove me wild with lust as I licked and ate her and she gripped my head, pulling my face closer as she gently thrust her hips against me. She tasted incredible and my face was slick with her girl juice in seconds. I looked up at her as she panted and whimpered and I could see her hard pink nipples through her thin tank top. I wanted to take my time but suddenly more than anything I wanted to make her cum. I positioned myself on all fours, my black t-shirt slid up to my armpits and my tight smooth thong wrapped ass up in the air, my smooth cock bulging in my tight slutty underwear as I closed my lips around her clit and began swirling my tongue. This always got her off and in seconds her smooth thighs were shaking as she clamped them tightly around my head and squealed, “Oh yes yes yesssss…. Yes baby… make me cummmmm…..” I did as instructed, my tongue a fury of rhythmic movements as I licked her clit, sucking gently as her body convulsed and the orgasm raced through her. I slowed my tongue, taking time to lick up every drop of pussy juice from her tight smooth slit as she caught her breath, cooing with post orgasmic bliss.

“You two aren’t allowed to be in here.” I froze as a man’s deep voice bellowed from behind us. I looked up to see the look of fear frozen on Joanna’s face as I realized I’d forgotten to lock the door.

My heart sank as I spun around on my knees to see Mr. Ellis the art teacher standing in the door way of the darkroom. I felt myself blush, suddenly realizing I was wearing only my blue thong and t-shirt, my pants and shoes feet away over by the opened door at Mr Ellis’ feet. Joanna was blushing too, doing her best to slide her skirt back down and covering her exposed nipples. “We didn’t… we thought…” she stammered as she tried to come up with an excuse, “nobody was in here … so we…”

Mr Ellis folded his arms, “so you thought… what? You could do this?” As he gestured to the two of us. I moved to reach for my pants and Mr. Ellis kicked them out of my reach as my heart pounded. “You’re not allowed to do this sort of thing on school property.” Mr Ellis said sternly, “Engaging in overtly sexual conduct on school grounds is a suspendable offense. Both of you should know better.” My heart was in the pit of my stomach as I imagined having to explain my suspension to my parents. Just moments ago I’d been in the throes of sexual pleasure but now, we’d been caught and were facing potential shame and punishment for having sex with my girlfriend at school.

“What were you two thinking?” he asked disappointedly. “You two couldn’t wait until you got home to act all nasty with each other? What was the urgency?”

We said nothing, sheepishly looking to the floor as she squeezed her knees together and I sat back on my heels, trying to cover my thong bulge with my tight t-shirt. I couldn’t help but notice that I was still rock hard even though I was terrified.

“Well? What couldn’t wait?” He demanded.

I looked at Joanna. Her cheeks were bright red as she stared silently at the floor. I looked up at Mr. Ellis with a pathetic, fearful look on my face and said nothing.

“Answer me.” He said forcefully and I looked back at the ground.

“We…” Joanna started. “I sh…” she couldn’t get the words out.

I closed my eyes before blurting out, “She shaved her pussy for me and I couldn’t wait to eat her. We’re sorry.” Mr. Ellis stood silently, processing what I’d just said. “We’re really sorry, sir… we’ll never do it again.”

“Is that true?” He asked Joanna and she nodded as she stared at the floor. “You kids think you can just do whatever you want, is that it? You think you can just hang around in your slutty underwear and fuck each other all day… unbelievable.”

The two of us were mortified, ashamed and embarrassed as he berated us. “I’ve a right mind to march the two of you down to the office just like this and see what Ms Kavanaugh has to say. I guarantee she won’t be happy.”

I blushed and trembled as I pictured sitting in front of the principal as she screamed at us and called my parents. “Please didn’t do that…” Joanna begged.

“Yeah, we promise we’ll never do anything like this at school ever again… can you just… be cool?” I asked, immediately regretting my choice of phrase.

“Be cool? You want me to be cool?” Mr Ellis was clearly angry, “Oh because I’m the ‘cool teacher?’ You think I’ll just let you walk all over me because I let you all get away with so much?”

Mr Ellis had only started working at our school last year. He was younger than the other teachers, probably in his 30’s. He was tall and muscular, he wore band t-shirts and ripped jeans and he was one of the more permissive teachers, known for letting student’s listen to their headphones during class and letting it slide when he caught kids smoking behind the gym. Despite this, right then he was clearly very angry and I could tell he hadn’t fully decided to bust us or not.

“We’re sorry. Please don’t call our parents…” I begged.

“Yeah, we’re sorry, please we’ll do anything.” Joanna pleaded as we looked up at him, hoping for a glimpse of compassion.

Mr Ellis sighed and shook his head, rubbing his forehead exasperatedly. He looked down at me and asked, “Do you always wear thongs?”

My heart pounded, my face beet red, bashfully I answered, “Yes… when she wants me to…”

He smirked and looked at Joanna, “You’ve really got him trained, huh?”

Neither of us said anything.

“Ok. Ok ok ok…” Mr Ellis closed the door behind him. “Ok, I’m not gonna rat you two out. But you can’t just do whatever you want. There are consequences. There needs to be some sort of punishment for this transgression.”

He pointed at me. “Lose the shirt.”

I looked at Joanna and she stared blankly back at me as I slid my t-shirt off over my head. Then Mr Ellis pointed to her, “You too. And the skirt.”

Joanna flashed me a look of confused surprise and obediently slid her little tank top off and stood as she undid her skirt, placing both on the counter. She bashfully covered her small breasts with her arms as she stood in only her pink thong, white knee socks and sneakers.

Mr Ellis shook his head again. “You kids…” He clicked the lock on the door handle before adding, “You should remember to lock the door next time. Now both of you, get on your knees.”

I got to my knees and Joanna dropped down beside me, taking my hand in her’s as we knelt, bare hip to bare hip as we looked at each other nervously, her pink nipples were so hard and my cock was fully erect in the tight pouch of my sky blue thong. I squeezed her hand in mine as we turned and looked up at Mr Ellis.

“You have to learn that there are consequences,” he reiterated, “If you’re going to act like a couple of wanton sluts then that’s how you’ll be treated.”

He unbuckled his belt and slid his jeans and black boxer briefs down his thighs revealing his hard, thick cock. His pubic hair was neatly trimmed short and his cock was so hard, about as long as mine but much thicker. I’d never seen another man’s cock outside of porn and the sight of it had us both transfixed. It looked incredible.

He stepped towards us and his erection standing tall and hard just inches from our faces.

I was shocked as I watched Joanna wordlessly and without hesitation, lean in and close her pink lips around Mr Ellis’ cock. She just went for it, sucking gently and pulsing her jaw, her mouth sliding up and down his thick shaft. For a moment I felt insanely jealous, here was my girlfriend sucking another guy in front of me. She looked so content, so happy to have him in her mouth. I knew how much she loved sucking my cock and I could see her enthusiasm came from a much deeper love for giving head. She looked so beautiful, so sexy as she milked him with her mouth and I loved seeing this side of her, confident and sensual, moaning softly. My cock was rock hard as I watched her. Mr Ellis’ erection looks so good the way it filled her mouth, glistening with her saliva as she sucked him.

“You like that don’t you, Joanna?” He asked as she moaned a muffled “mmm hmmm…” in agreement, slowly pumping her lips in a cocksucking trance.

“You like it too don’t you, thong boy. You like seeing your *********** suck my big dick…”

My cock throbbed in my tight thong and I said, “Yes… I love watching her…” and I did. It was such a turn on seeing her like this. Her apprehension and fear had melted away and she expertly worked his dick with her hot mouth. Mr Ellis placed his hand on the back of my head and said, “Now I want you to help her… that’s it…” As he guided my face to hers. I kissed her cheek and then planted a kiss on the side of his wet shaft, feeling him with my lips. My heart was racing, was I really going to do this? Was I actually going to suck a cock? I’d never even considered such a thing but there in that moment I was so turned on that I didn’t hesitate for a second. Joanna slid him out of her mouth, gasping for air and looked into my eyes with an exhausted, horny smile. “Go ahead…” she whispered, “open your mouth…” I parted my lips as he gently thrust towards me. I felt it slide over my tongue and I closed my lips around it, sucking softly as I began moving my lips up and down. It felt so good in my mouth! So fleshy and thick, so smooth and hard. I swirled my tongue around his thick head and took him in and out as Joanna kissed my cheek and began licking along the base of his big dick.

“Mmmmm… oh yesss… good boy…” Mr Ellis moaned as he cradled my head, “Look Joanna… your boyfriend likes sucking cock as much as you do. Such a good pair of sluts…” I looked over at her and saw the smile on her face, surprised and excited as she watched me suck our art teacher. She began kissing along his shaft until her lips met mine and we began sucking him together. Taking turns in our mouths, our lips together as we each took a side, sliding our tongues up and down, gazing into each other’s eyes and making out with his massive erection between us.

“Suck that big cock…” Mr Ellis instructed as he placed his hands on his hips, looking down at us as he fucked our mouths.

It was all so new and exciting, so confusing and sexy. It felt amazing to share this with Joanna, I felt a swell of confidence to have her there beside me as our horny teacher took advantage of the two of us. He paused his gentle hip thrusts for a moment. “Are you both happy? Does either of you want to leave?”

Joanna and I looked into each other’s eyes and both of us smiled. “No Mr Ellis…” I said.

“We’re good…” Joanna giggled before we resumed sucking him.

“That’s good… good little sluts…” Mr Ellis moaned. He pulled his cock back and we looked up at him hopefully. “Now Joanna, I want you to kneel on the chair.” She obeyed and knelt on the seat of the chair, her arms on the backrest, her tight smooth ass up in the air, her pink thong perfectly accentuating her curves. “And you…” he said pointing to me, “Stand facing her. I want to watch her suck you hard thong cock.” I did as commanded, standing in front of her as she smiled excitedly. It was such a turn on to see how into this whole situation she was, it cranked my level of arousal up all the way as she grinned, licking her lips as she looked up at me and I slid my hard shaved cock out of the side of my tight blue thong.

“Oh my!” Mr Ellis remarked with a smile, “You’re shaved smooth too! You two really are a couple of slutty perverts.” Joanna moaned as he began massaging her pussy through her tight little panties as she took me in her mouth and began to suck.

Her mouth felt incredible, causing me to whimper as I said, “Yes Mr Ellis… we definitely are…”

I watched as he slid her panties aside and his fingers stroked her wet pink slit. Joanna let out another low moan as she parted her thighs and I could feel her press her body back against his hand.

“You’re so tight and wet, sweetie…” He said as he fingered her, pumping his thumb inside of her as his ring and middle fingers circled her clit. He lifted his hand to my mouth and I obediently sucked his fingers, glistening with my girlfriend’s pussy juice. “She has a sweet little pussy doesn’t she?”

I nodded as I licked his fingers clean and watched him grip his hard cock and begin rubbing his thick head against Joanna’s slit causing her to moan again. “Are you ready, you little slut?” He asked and Joanna nodded with my throbbing erection between her lips. He grunted and slowly gyrated his hips, gently pressing his big cock into her. Her eyes rolled back with rapturous pleasure as he filled her, sliding back and then in deeper causing her to squeal with delight. He built to a hot rhythm, pumping his hips as he fucked her, driving her skinny, smooth body towards me and her wet lips down the length of my hard smooth cock.

Mr Ellis slid his tight t-shirt off exposing his toned muscular torso and gripped Joanna’s hips as he fucked her. She was taking every inch of him, whimpering as she gave me the best blow job I’d ever had in my life, her ponytail bouncing as her head bobbed up and down to the rhythm of Mr Ellis’ strong hip thrusts. I can’t describe how amazing she looked. Her smooth lithe body bouncing between our hard cocks, her little whimpers of pleasure as she sucked and fucked us. She was so in the moment, so focused on how good it all felt. Joanna had let go of her inhibitions and was embracing her lustiest desires and I’d never been so attracted to her as I was in that moment, she was amazing.

Without skipping a beat Mr Ellis pointed to me, “Come here. Kneel beside me.”

I did as I was told, sad to slide my cock out of Joanna’s mouth but excited to see what he’d have me do next. Joanna moaned loudly and uncontrollably as I sunk to my knees beside him with an eye level view as he fucked my girlfriend. As I watched him pump his big cock into her I started stroking my cock. It was so hot, I couldn’t resist. “Oh yes…” Mr Ellis said, “Stroke that big cock… see how much she loves it when I fuck her bald pussy…” I could see. It was amazing. Joanna was getting the fuck of her life, moaning and writhing as he fucked her sweet smooth pussy and I loved watching.

Suddenly he slid out of her and turned to me. “Now suck her juice off my big cock and make me cum.” I didn’t hesitate and sunk my mouth over his thick, glistening erection. It tasted so good! I sucked lovingly, taking him deep into my throat as he held my head in place, drooling down my chin as he fucked my mouth with his beautiful hard cock. My mouth was filled with the taste of her pussy, only adding to the thrill as I pumped my lips and tongue, sucking obediently and in a haze of pure bliss.

Joanna had turned and sat on the chair facing us, fingering her smooth pussy as she watched me suck Mr Ellis.

“Your boyfriend looks good with my cock in his mouth, doesn’t he?” He asked.

Joanna nodded, her eyes fixed on me in a sex filed daze as she rubbed her little clit. “Yesss… “she moaned,” …suck that big cock baby…”

Suddenly Mr Ellis inhaled sharply and his whole body tensed up before he moaned. All of a sudden my mouth was awash with his hot salty cum. It tasted so good, so new and sexy and instinctively I began gulping it down, trying my best to swallow every last drop. He pulled his cock out and shot the last few spurts on my lips as I gasped and stroked my smooth erection. He nodded to Joanna and said, “That’s for both of you.” Joanna scrambled down to her knees and kissed me deeply, her tongue sliding against mine, swirling his cum between our mouths as we kissed and sucked at each other’s lips as Mr Ellis stood watching us.

Once all the cum had been swallowed Joanna and I faced each other beaming and trying to catch our breath. Both of us still incredibly turned on and a bit surprised at what we’d both just done. Mr Ellis pulled his pants back on and slid back into his tight t-shirt.

“If I didn’t have a class third period I’d stay and continue your punishment…” He said with a wry smile, “But unfortunately I have to go. That was nice… you two make a good couple.”

We smiled and laughed before thanking him. He shook his head and opened the door to leave.

“Can we still use the darkroom on our free periods?” Joanna asked with a giggle.

Mr Ellis sighed and turned back to us rolling his eyes. “If anyone catches you, you’re on your own… but I don’t mind. But if I catch you two again… believe me, there’ll be further punishments. Understand?”

We both nodded as we laughed, picturing what that would entail. On his way out he said, “And lock the door next time!” As it clicked shut behind him.

Joanna hopped up and clicked the lock on the door handle as I rose and sat in the chair. She rushed back to me and straddled my lap. She took my head in her hands and pulled my face to hers, kissing me hard. We made out for a moment before pulling away and staring into my eyes.

“Was that ok?” She asked nervously.

I smiled, nodding my head. “It was. I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I found it all so hot.” I said, blushing. “Was it ok with you?”

“Oh my god YES.” She smiled goofily, “It was SO hot! My god, seriously… I’ve never felt anything like that!” She kissed me again.

“It was amazing watching him fuck you! I thought I’d be jealous but you looked SO beautiful and sexy… I loved it!”

She kissed me again pressing her body down against my hard cock.

“It felt so good… I loved that you were watching…” She smiled, “And sucking his cock with you! And watching you suck him! You were amazing, baby… such a fucking turn on!”

She kissed me again, grinding against my smooth hard cock. I could feel how wet she was and she pulled her panties aside and lowered herself onto me. I moaned as she relaxed her thighs, her smooth pussy taking my cock to the base and moaning as she began to ride me.

“Fuck…” she said, “your cock feels so smooth!”

She moaned as I started sucking her little pink nipples as she rode me. We stayed in the darkroom all through third period, fucking and cumming like two sex crazed sluts. We agreed to meet back there again tomorrow and hoped Mr Ellis might catch us again.


Copyright 2024 tightpantsxxv
Published by Tightpantsxxv
4 months ago
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wow so hot