Author: jackmerrell69

PART 1: The discovery
I have always considered myself to be an open-minded individual, especially sexually.
"Try everything once, you never know what you might like."
A motto I tried to live by.
Now as a 19-year-old college male, I had only been with girls and had no complaints at all. I loved pussy and getting blowjobs, but over the past few months I had not been getting any.
"Mike", I would remind myself constantly, "It's time to get laid again. You haven't had pussy in almost five months."
Looking at porn every day and jerking off is not the same.
My dad, Jack Merrell, and I lived in the same house just a few minutes’ drive from my local community college. I decided to stay home as it was much cheaper while I finished my studies. My dad was happy with the arrangement and I could come and go as I please. He loved having me around the house.
I would later learn why.
My dad worked most days from home. His marketing company was doing well and he could monitor his clients and employees remotely, only going into the office once in a while. He never wanted to go back full time after the Covid-19 restrictions were lifted. He was a good looking, 48-year-old man who looked well after himself. Full head of blonde hair and visited the gym three or four times a week.
His only flaw was that he had been single for most of my adult life. Ever since my mother left him for another man 11 years prior, he had never forgiven her. The pain it caused prevented him from getting into and staying in any meaningful relationship.
I knew he was also just a man with urges and horny as hell. On more than one occasion I arrived back home outside of my normal routine and overheard him masturbate to porn in his bedroom. I once found a pair of satin panties in his room and figured he had a lady over when I wasn't around. I never said anything, men are men and he needed a release like everyone else. I knew the feeling well.
All this was about to change when I accidently discovered something about my dad on his laptop.
He was on a business call on the back porch. It was a Monday afternoon and I was bored. My plan was to see what movies were playing at the local theatre. His internet browser was open on the site for his client, but my eye caught the title for the tab next to it.
[I***** Forum - Your online...]
"What the fuck is he looking at?", I thought and quickly clicked on it.
He was logged into his profile and was still busy writing a new post titled "I think I'm in love with my son - need advice".
Just as I was about to read his message, I heard him finish off the call. In a panic I switched back to his client's website, but I did notice his username: JackJack69
My heart was racing and I got up from the chair. He walked into the room a few seconds later as I was leaving.
"Oh, here you are. What are you plans for tonight son?" he asked.
"Probably just some studying and Xbox. Got a big test later this week."
"I'll be in my room for a few hours, need to hit the books" I replied.
I didn't want to talk much; my heart was still racing in my chest from my discovery just seconds earlier.
"Don't work too hard."
Fuck the movies, this needed to be explored further.
I locked my bedroom door, started up my Mac and opened the browser.
A quick search for "i***** forum" and I found what I was looking for. The site contained mostly text posts for fantasies, discussions and stories covering various categories of i*****. Mom/son, brother/sister, dad/daughter etc.
My eye caught the red search icon in the top right corner and I quickly searched for 'jackjack69'
There was only one result in the member's section.
The profile picture was a closeup of a hand stroking a 7-inch hard cock with a little bit of cum running down it's shaft.
It was my dad's cock and I knew this for a fact! The hand stroking it had the same scar at the base of the thumb as my dad. He received the scar three years prior during a camping trip.
I could not keep my eyes off his rigid member. I had never seen it before and it was glorious. The shaft was pale with a few veins running up and down the length. It was topped by a circumcised reddish mushroom head. It was wet and glissend in the light. There was also a small bush of blonde pubic hair at the base and some tan lines from the shorts he always wore when gardening.
I never looked at my dad as a sexual creature, but in that instant I really, really loved what I saw. It felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest and my own cock grew instantly between my legs.
Under his profile name was a small box.
Posts: 0 | Comments: 24
I clicked on it and got a list of all the comments he made to others. I read and re-read his words, the comments to fantasies and the odd dick pic. Clearly part of the reason he no longer dated women was because he now had sexual feelings for men. I would never have guessed it in a million years.
The internet is known for anonymity so I created a profile for myself: 'Cali_Dreamz1967'
This would allow me to follow him and what he does on the platform.
Although I read all of his comments, he still hasn’t posted what he was busy writing on his laptop. I would have to wait patiently for him to finish.
In the meanwhile, I had to deal with another problem.
The situation between my legs.
My crotch was already wet with my own precum. I downloaded then copied the profile picture of him stroking his dick onto my phone, got on my bed and began pleasuring myself to it. I inspected every small detail of his cock. It really did not take long before a hot stream of spunk erupted from me, shot up and landed on my hand, arm and chest. It was so intense I arched my back and thrusted my hips upwards with pleasure. Biting my bottom lip to try and stay quiet.
This was hands down the best orgasm I ever had in my life. No pussy ever made me cum this hard!
I spend the rest of that afternoon in a haze.
At about 11pm I was starving and went downstairs. Grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge and noticed Dad still working on his laptop.
"Come on dad, it late and it's Monday. Switch that damn thing off and go to bed!"
"I'll see you in the morning."
"Just sending the last few emails then I'm off to bed. Good night son. Sleep well." he replied.
It felt somewhat strange looking at him now, knowing that earlier that afternoon I jerked myself off to a photo of his cock.
I got back to my room, closed the door and got in bed.
30 minutes later my phone beeped.
"You've got mail"
It was a notification from the site. JackJack69 had posted something new.
My hands were trembling with excitement, I could not open the email fast enough.
My dad or JackJack69, asked the community for feedback. He explained that ever since his wife left him, he became lonely and depressed inside. This went on for a few years. Only after his son finished high school did things begin to improve. He started looking at him differently.
During the summer his son always walked around the house shirtless and hardly ever wore underwear. He would notice the bulge in his pants, especially when he played basketball in the backyard.
This was all true. I liked "freeballing" it during the hot summer days.
He continued that after a few months of this he began to fall in love his son. Not parental love which he always had, but in a physical, sexual way. He started having fantasies and wet dreams and sometimes even ***** on him while taking his morning showers.
We always kept the bathroom door open, unless someone took a shit. Just two straight guys living in the same house. Or that is what I thought.
He didn't know what to do and how to deal with his feelings. Not only was i***** illegal and morally wrong, he also did not want to risk ruining their relationship and lose the only person he truly cared for most in this world.
I actually started to feel bad for him.
In that moment I decided I would use the platform to learn more about his fantasies. Who knows, maybe I could make some of them happen.
I wanted to take things slow and see how things played out between us first, but based on my raging hardon I was already committed.
I came up with an idea, but it would have to wait until the morning.
The sun woke me up Tuesday morning and I looked at the clock next to my bed.
"7:13" flashed in red.
"Perfect" I thought.
I usually get up at 7:30, take a shower and have a quick breakfast before leaving for class at 8:30.
I waited until 8:15 in bed until I heard my dad opening the taps of the shower. He must have thought I already showered.
Now was the time to try out my plan.
I got undressed and walked towards where the noise was coming from, my semi hard cock swinging between my legs with each step. I could see his bare ass behind the steamed-up glass door.
Without notice I opened the door and got in under the water with him.
"Fuck Mike!", he yelled out. "What the fuck are you doing in here?"
"Shit dad, I completely overslept and I'm late for class. I need to take a quick shower before I leave", I replied in a made-up flustered voice while I closed the door behind me.
I gave him no option to change the situation.
"You could have waited for me to finish first before you..." he was busy protesting.
"No time, I'm so fucking late!", I cut him off.
"You shower at the gym with other men every day, so I know you have done this before."
"If it makes you feel any better, I'll turn my back towards you old man.", I jokingly added trying to put him at ease.
At first, he was reluctant, but as he didn't have much of a choice, we stood back-to-back washing ourselves.
After a few minutes I could see from the corner of my eye in the reflection of the glass door next to me, he started to get comfortable with the situation. He had turned his body slightly and was now standing at a 90-degree angle behind to me, stealing little glances at my naked ass.
He was trying to hide a massive hardon, giving it tiny strokes without being too obvious.
This turned me on immensely so I decided to mess with him a bit.
Just then, I "accidently" dropped the bar of soap I was washing myself with on the floor.
I bend over to pick it up.
I wanted to make sure he didn't miss this moment, so I fumbled the slippery bar around a few times so I could linger in this position a little longer. It felt amazing to present my wet asshole to him.
Remember, in his mind this was just an unexpected situation. A totally fucking random situation, but I also didn't want to be too obvious.
"Fuck it man, I don't have time for this shit!" I yelled out frustratingly and got up again leaving the soap on the wet floor.
"I'm clean enough."
He had a clear view of my exposed anus and soapy balls dangling between my legs. My job here, for now, was done.
"Sorry again dad, got to get going. Enjoy your day."
I got out carefully as to also hide my own hardon from him, grabbed one of the towels from the rail and walked out the bathroom wrapping the towel around my waist.
He did not say a word. I think he was still in shock from what he just witnessed.
I stopped just outside the bathroom door, leaning against the wall to catch my breath. This was a big risk and it **** off.
"Fuck it Mike, it actually worked! He didn't expect a thing", I congratulated myself.
I was still catching my breath against the wall when a minute or so later I started hearing soft moans coming from the steamy shower, followed by a much louder groan.
Then the words: "Oooooh Mike! Take it. Take all of it. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"
He was clearly cumming, and cumming hard! Just like I had the day before.
In that very moment I was listening to my father as he was emptying his balls all over the shower floor, replaying the scenes from just a few minutes prior, over and over in his mind.
I smiled. My plan had worked and I loved every minute of it.
I wanted to rub one out myself so badly, but remembered I was by now actually really late for class. I quickly put on some clothes and ran out the door.
"You can rub one out at college Mike.", I told myself.
"Don't mess this up. Let's have some fun with dad first!"
END: Part 1
Published by CLAIRSBOY2
5 months ago
Please or to post comments
This is incredibly hot!  Can't wait for more!
I'm so looking forward to part two!
Fit dad with a hard cock mmm