Corporate porn

My user name is mockery.

I don't like corporate porn. The shitiest porn is that performed by Mike Adriano and co. I love Remy Lacroix though (she doesn't know that!) for her smile, face, passion, moan, sigh, and the way she likes anal and cum.

Corporate porn sucks, exploitative and mediocre in filming and treating actor unfairly during filming. Most of it is about genitals. It also encourages vio**ce, even ra*p*. Websites encourage it and many users applaud it. It is a glimpse of how horrible some aspects of our life have become and how the market normalised them.
Published by cock-lover69
4 years ago
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I love Remy Lacroix also and I am very disappointed that she has not responded to my many marriage proposals!  Mike Adriano very much bothers me as I get the feeling that the ladies are pretending to enjoy things.